The Rhino Charge is an off-road event in which
competitors are required to visit 13 points scattered over approximately 100
square kms of rough terrain within a 10 hour period. Competitors are supplied
with a 1:50,000 scale map of the venue, co-ordinates of the 13 Control Points
and their Start position (at one of the Controls). Each competitor must plot
the Control Points on the map and decide his/her route. Navigation is by
compass/GPS and the winner is the competitor who visits the most controls in
the shortest distance (GPS measured).
The event is organized
to raise funds for the Rhino Ark Charitable Trust. Competitors are required to
raise the minimum sponsorship set by the organizing committee. Most however
raise considerably more.
To negate environmental
damage entries to the Charge are limited to less than 60 vehicles. The popularity
of the Charge is such that the organizers have introduced a preferential entry
strategy favouring high value fund raisers because would-be entrants far exceed
available places in the event
Some of picture of rhino charge event
The residents of Lamu
conduct Dugong Festival and the Lamu Donkey Racing takes places in Kenya May
every year. The name of the event is “Lamu Dugong Festival”. The famous donkey
race is a part of this festival. There are a lot of donkeys in this region as
they are the main mode of transport. This event and the Lamu donkey racing
takes place through out the week. People from different parts of the country
and the world in general participate. The main objective of the event is to
raise awareness on the conservation of the endangered Dugong. Other activities conducted along this
festival include; water sports, dhow racing, traditional dances, architectural displays
and food exhibitions fashions. These activities draw innumerable number of tourists
donkey racingdhow racing
celebration of the launch of the event
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